Basil had panels at HAMA4
So this year, as has been the case for the past four years, I have ran panels at Hamacon. Since it’s the one con that has slowly conned (hurr hurr)…
So this year, as has been the case for the past four years, I have ran panels at Hamacon. Since it’s the one con that has slowly conned (hurr hurr)…
Here is my 2012 list of Manga That You Should Buy Right Now! I’ve ran this panel throughout the year to the various cons I go to, and people seem…
Ok folks I always keep promising that I’ll list out everything I panel about at cons… then never do. Soooooo here they are~ I have a bunch of anime I…
Wow. I’m really bad at this whole sticking to writing a lot resolution thing! Video Games – Dragon Age Origins: Awakenings: So after beating Dragon Age 2, I decided to…
I made only one resolution this year: To write more. So in order to keep on top of that, I’m going to try and bang a weekly post on the…