Basil’s Anime of 2023 (that he remembers watching, in no particular order)
Hi world! I like Japanese cartoons. Here are some that I liked in 2023. Overtake! – I blame Ed for pointing it out to me, I wonder if he ever…
Hi world! I like Japanese cartoons. Here are some that I liked in 2023. Overtake! – I blame Ed for pointing it out to me, I wonder if he ever…
So, it’s not often that Basil gets to con other OSMcasters into a sports anime. Usually he watches them alone in the lofty mountains like a hermit, waiting upon the…
It’s Christmas in Febua- We mean March! Yes, that’s right. You heard us. Or rather, this is our 2021 AGC Secret Santa episode. Only three months late. For us, this…
So this year, as has been the case for the past four years, I have ran panels at Hamacon. Since it’s the one con that has slowly conned (hurr hurr)…
So, I had a dream last night. Now, I don’t really remember most of the dream, but I do remember what happened at the end. Whatever I was dreaming about…
Ok folks I always keep promising that I’ll list out everything I panel about at cons… then never do. Soooooo here they are~ I have a bunch of anime I…
So a new season of anime is upon us, which means that the airwaves of Japan and the computer monitors of everywhere else are going to be flooded with of…
Wow. I’m really bad at this whole sticking to writing a lot resolution thing! Video Games – Dragon Age Origins: Awakenings: So after beating Dragon Age 2, I decided to…
I made only one resolution this year: To write more. So in order to keep on top of that, I’m going to try and bang a weekly post on the…
Please give it a listen if you are so inclined.