Basil (and friends) Have Panels! MomoCon 2024
Oh, hello Internet! I should really be updating this website more often, huh. Well anyway I am gonna be in Atlanta, Georgia this weekend for MomoCon. It’s a weird time…
Oh, hello Internet! I should really be updating this website more often, huh. Well anyway I am gonna be in Atlanta, Georgia this weekend for MomoCon. It’s a weird time…
Basil's got panels at fan convention potentially near you! That is, if near you is the convention known as Kami-Con HAI in Huntsville, AL and also in the year 2023.
Hello 2020! Last year, we had Hamacon 10, which was their last year. And that is very sad. I worked real hard on that con, and it was an experience…
So this year, as has been the case for the past four years, I have ran panels at Hamacon. Since it’s the one con that has slowly conned (hurr hurr)…
Here is my 2012 list of Manga That You Should Buy Right Now! I’ve ran this panel throughout the year to the various cons I go to, and people seem…